Thanks for checking out our “to do” lists! Scroll down to see the list organized by whether they are recurring or one-time items.

 Recurring items

  1. Weed garden and flower beds

  2. Water garden, flowers, and lawn

  3. Mow yard

  4. Clean bathrooms

  5. Mop floors

  6. Keep wood for fire stocked

  7. Declutter

  8. Clean gutters

  9. General maintenance

  10. Drink shopping (We spend a lot on soda, so shopping around to get us the best deals would save us a lot of money!)

  11. Snack shopping

  12. Seek donations for snacks and supplies

  13. Technology support (computers, Wi-Fi, etc.)

  14. Chalk board maintenance (regular cleaning and refresh)

  15. Craft area refresh

  16. Library maintenance and promotion

  17. Creation of and maintenance of info center

  18. 3D printing station and maintenance

  19. Fundraising

  20. Marketing: social media, website, newsletter

  21. Handle communications with city, vendors, utilities, etc.

  22. Establish relationships with local churches, schools, and businesses

  23. Re-establish and maintain 254 online community (games like Minecraft, homework help)

  24. Chaperone regular hangout sessions

  25. Develop and host special events (discussion groups, craft sessions, movie nights)

  26. Develop transitions programs (entering middle school, entering high school, graduating)

Project list

  1. Repair floor scratches

  2. Drywall touch up and painting

  3. Fix floor trim

  4. Establish “final” locations for carpet ball, gaga pit, and 9 square, and edge/mulch/etc.

  5. Reupholster black stools

  6. Repair, replace, or remove (?) cracked blinds

  7. Install gate along driveway between garage and lot line

  8. Install squirrel-proof lighting for back yard

  9. Get solar light for garden post

  10. Re-level white fence